“In Wisdom is a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique….Wisdom penetrates all reality…. She is found in the design of the universe and cosmos. Wisdom is the Artisan of all.
(Book of Wisdom 7, 13-30)”
Reverence and care for nature and the cosmos are core to living spiritually and in respectful relationship to the community of all creation. With the arrival of the Daughters of Wisdom in 1949, the commitment to simple living furthered the ancient tradition of caring for the land and its natural resources.
Wisdom House is committed to environmental sustainability through such practices as water and energy conservation, waste management, and the conservation and improvement of wildlife habitats. In accordance with these practices, these efforts support a pollinator friendly native plant landscape that benefits the larger ecosystem within the broader context of conservation ethics.
Since Colonial times, all who have lived here were dependent on the land. Since 1990, several contemporary environmental initiatives that give expression to our belief that Wisdom permeates all reality have taken place at Wisdom House.
Land Acknowledgement
We would like to acknowledge that Wisdom House is located on the land of Indigenous ancestral tribes of Litchfield.
Litchfield is located on the Pootatuck tribal homelands and is situated on the homelands of the Weantinock peoples whose descendants are the modern day Schaghticoke people. A small portion of Tunxis homelands can also be found in Litchfield.
Supporting Sustainable Environments
Spirituality connects us with a greater whole. Honoring the Earth and her natural resources, we develop a spiritual connection to the world around us.
Our actions matter and at Wisdom House, we put Eco-spirituality at the forefront of how we operate our campus.
Renewable energy Generation
Environmental Care
Energy Conservation
Reduction of waste & Recycling
Historic Preservation
Land Conservation Agreement Signed to Protect 54 Acres at Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center
February 11, 2020
The Daughters of Wisdom and Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center in partnership with the Litchfield Land Trust signed a Land Conservation Easement agreement yesterday, February 10, 2020, at Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center in Litchfield, CT.
This agreement assures the protection of 54 acres of the total 74 acreages of land that will be retained forever in its natural, scenic and open space condition of rare plants, water and animals. This signing extends the environmental commitment of the Daughters of Wisdom and Wisdom House beyond its present sustainability efforts which include 80 solar panels on the barn, artesian water wells, energy-efficient lighting and more.
The Conservation Easement was signed by the Daughters of Wisdom’s Provincial, Sr. Catherine Sheehan, DW, Treasurer, Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW, and President of the Litchfield Land Trust, David Geiger. Those present included members of the Land Trust, Deborah Kelly, Executive Director of Wisdom House, and former Director, Sr. Rosemarie Greco, DW, who, with Dr. John Fulkerson, a Litchfield Land Trust Board member, spearheaded eight years of study and planning to prepare for this agreement.
The Land Conservation Easement marks the beginning of the seventh decade of the Daughters of Wisdom’s presence and their ministry at Wisdom House. In 1949, the land was purchased from Margaret and Frederick Busk to become a novitiate for training new members of the Daughters of Wisdom.
To learn more about The Litchfield Land Trust, click here: