As featured in the May 2019 issue of America magazine, Marie Kondo’s of tidying, decluttering and reorganizing homes has become a national sensation, as evidenced by her hit Netflix series “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.” Using before-and-after examples, certified Bronze KonMari consultant Christine Thorn will be discussing the KonMari Method's principles, the importance of tidying by category not rooms, how to work with a KonMari consultant, and the centrality of keeping things or letting them go based on one’s answer to the central KonMari question: "Does this spark joy?"
Commuter: $15
Christine Thorn is Connecticut’s first certified KonMari consultant, sharing the benefits of the KonMari Method™ of tidying and decluttering with clients across the state and beyond through her venture Sage of Interiors, LLC, as well as giving talks on Marie Kondo’s life-changing philosophy at venues including libraries, residential communities, and professional and academic settings.