Prayer Paradigm: Scripture & Prayer
Presented by Sally Woodhall
Prayer is how we experience and encounter God's presence in our lives and in our relationship with others.
Scripture offers us models of experience and modes of encounter that can help is to move beyond the word to the experience, beyond the story to the meaning, beyond the story to the reality it points to --seeing God in all we do and all we are. We will explore and reflect on a five-step paradigm centered on prayer as experience, encounter, relationship, intimacy, and Eucharist (sharing)
Cost is $30 with Lunch Included
Sally Campbell Woodhall, M.A. is the author of Teilhard de Chardin: Pilgrim, Prophet, Mystic. She was the founding head of the Woodhall School in Bethlehem, Connecticut. The former director of the Guild for Spiritual Guidance, she holds a Master of Arts degree in Theology from Fordham University.