Presented by Br. Mark D’Alessio
Three Thursdays: May 1, 8, 15 • 6:30PM to 8:00PM • via Zoom
Throughout history, mystics have offered us a map to the depths of the soul, a way of encountering the Divine within and beyond. Their wisdom is not reserved for a chosen few – it’s an invitation for all who long to live with greater depth, presence, and connection with the sacred.
Join Br. Mark for an on-line retreat that will support you to explore four ancient, traditional mystical paths — contemplative stillness, the via positiva of awe and wonder, the via negativa of letting go, and the via creativa of divine expression — each offering a way to encounter God within and our truest self with presence, stillness, and deeper awareness.
Through silence and reflection, poetry, art, and sacred texts, movement and nature, we will enter into the wisdom of mystics like Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila, Hildegard de Bingen, Rainer Maria Rilke, Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Merton, and contemporary mystics Thich Nhat Hanh, Thea Bowman, Ilia Delio and Richard Rohr.
Each Thursday evening, we will explore how their insights can guide us toward a life of greater presence, authenticity, and communion with the Sacred. Other retreat highlights will include guided reflections and teachings on the four mystical paths and the wisdom from eastern and western mystics; contemplative practices such as visio divina, centering prayer and breathwork; eco-spirituality as a mystical practice; sacred writing, creative expression, and journaling exercises; and, shared community conversation and personal integration time.
Whether you’re just beginning to explore the mystical path or have walked it for many years, Br. Mark invites you to join us for this experiential opportunity to deepen your relationship with Divine Mystery, your inner self, and the outer world. Come as you are ready to listen, ready to wonder, ready to journey into the heart of Being. All are welcome.
Online via ZOOM
COST | $75 for 3 sessions
PLEASE NOTE: You are NOT registered for a ZOOM program until you receive a confirmation email. Call 860.567.3163 with questions.
We’re honored to offer scholarship opportunities to programs and retreats, creating opportunities for everyone. Please call (860) 567-3163 to find out more.
The health and safety of our guests and staff are of paramount importance to us. We follow the COVID-19 guidelines provided by the State of Connecticut and the CDC. If Wisdom House is forced to close to comply with the guidelines issued by the State of Connecticut or the CDC, we will return all funds received to date.
The Rt. Rev. Br. Mark D’Alessio is a Franciscan friar in the new religious society of the Companions of Francis and Clare. He’s also a interspiritual Christian bishop and priest, spiritual director, chaplain, retreat leader, author, and past President and Executive Director of the Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute which draws together the inspiration of the church with the wisdom of psychological care.
As a Franciscan, he’s committed to serving those who are sidelined, most vulnerable and at risk. Last year, the Long Island Coalition for the Homeless awarded him with their “Unsung Hero” Award for his ministry as a crisis counselor and program coordinator at a shelter for men and women who are homeless and as a chaplain at a residential treatment center and school for children with learning and emotional disabilities.
A long-time seeker and practitioner of spiritual wisdom, he’s initiated into multiple spiritual lineages, both East (Buddhist) and West (Christian); does his best to affirm the Christian Wisdom tradition within a wider inter-spiritual framework; and, looks to God’s science and spiritual heroes (such as Thích Nhat Hanh and Francis and Clare of Assisi) as sources of inspiration and hope.
Br. Mark is a graduate of the Guild for Spiritual Guidance, founded by Henri Nouwen and Madeline L’Engle, where he is currently a faculty member and community leader. He's also a faculty member at All Faiths Seminary International for the training of interfaith ministers.