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Angels in the Dark - Live, Virtual Painting Retreat on Zoom

  • Wisdom House Retreat & Conference Center 229 East Litchfield Road Litchfield, CT, 06759 United States (map)

Monday, March 15 through Friday, March 19 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm each evening on Zoom

Presented by George Herrick

"When I learned I had a fast-growing Cancer, I was, of course scared, confused and angry. I was in good hands with a great medical team, so as an artist, I felt the best way to assist in my own healing was to express the Cancer and release it with paint!  As I did, I unexpectedly started painting abstract angels – the inner healers helping me get well. I called them my ‘Angels in the Dark.’ I began to understand that painting my personal experience of the healing process helped me: release my fears, express my anger, attend to my grief and release all the feelings and thoughts that would otherwise keep me up at night.

Since then, I have painted “Angels in the Dark” to help me deal with other stressors and worries, for example, COVID-19."

In this “Angels in the Dark” workshop, you will envision one of your “angels,” and learn how to easily paint it, even if you have never picked up a brush before. You may begin to feel how exciting it is to express both what scares you and sets you free! You will have ample time to paint on your own, while being supported by George and a small group of participants. The program will include input, reflection, hands-on painting practice, silence and sharing (if you are so inclined).

A simple, inexpensive art supply list will be provided when you register for the workshop, which will take place via Zoom video conferencing. 

Outline of the Program:

Each night will have community connection, painting guidance, meditation, painting, and community connection. Each night builds on the one before – by end of week each participant will have your angel of healing or guidance

Cost $115 plus supplies Zoom Livestream Series | Zoom access information will be emailed to you prior to the event

View needed supplies below.



George Herrick is a life coach, artist, and author of the book, “Stone Warrior: confronting life’s dark challenges with stone art and meditation.” George is founder and creator of SoulDeep Living, a process for liberating your divine creativity.


These are suggestions to keep costs down and quality up. The brushes I usually get at Michael’s, everything else is available from Dick Blick. I use Jerry’s Artarama most often because I am a member.

CANVAS: I will be using a 14”x18” canvas panel (cost, $5.09 at Blick). You can use a smaller size, but I recommend at least 11”x14”. You will only need one canvas panel for this retreat.

BRUSHES: I usually use Artist’s Loft brand, which come in sets and are very inexpensive ($15 or less). They come in flat tipped or round tipped. I almost always use round tipped. You can get any brushes you wish, but have at least one large brush for acrylics (#10 or #12), one medium (#6 or #8) and one small/fine (#2).

PAINTS: I prefer Golden brand, but they are expensive. Blick paint is very affordable and easy to work with. I recommend getting the 4 ounce tube size of AT LEAST the following colors – get other colors too, if you wish, but you will need these at a minimum (Blick 4 ounce tubes are $3.43 each):

• Hansa Yellow

• Napthol Red

• Ultramarine Blue

• Ivory Black

• Titanium White

Total cost of supplies will run $35-40, more if you add more materials or higher quality paint colors and brushes.

You will also need a PALETTE on which to mix the paints (I use an old baking pan, but any flat surface with a rim will do. The rim is necessary so wet paint does not flow off the palette onto your table), a GLASS or other container to hold water, and a RAG or paper towels.